Vision Therapy Overview
Vision Therapy Of San Antonio is dedicated to helping children, adolescents and adults learn how to use their vision accurately and efficiently. Vision therapy deals with building new neural pathways in the brain to enable the person to process information from the eyes more efficiently.

Our comprehensive vision exam will evaluate many important visual skills such as:
- Accommodation: the ability to focus and refocus quickly and effortlessly from near to far, such as looking at a distanced chalkboard and back to a book
- Binocularity: the ability of the eyes to aim, move and work as a coordinated team.
- Eye focusing Skills: the ability of the eyes to maintain clear vision at varying distances
- Fixation Skills: ability of the eyes to focus on an object
- Motility Skills: the ability to accurately and smoothly follow a moving object with the eyes
- Ocular Motor Skills: the ability of the eyes to fixate on and accurately track an object
- Posture Board: measures the amount of balance and sway in post concussive patients
- Right Eye: A precise measurement of eye movements that can be seen in real time. measurement of fixation, pursuits, saccades, and reaction time.
- Saccades Skills: the ability to accurately and quickly move the eyes from one point to another
- Stereopsis: the brain’s ability to combine the images from each eye into a single, three-dimensional picture of what is seen “depth perception”
- Spatial Relations: the ability to judge the relative position of one object to another in space, such as the orientation of the letters b, d, p and q
- Visual Memory: the ability to remember forms (letters) and sequences of forms (words) and to recognize them quickly when you see them again in print
- Visual Field: the amount of peripheral information your brain can process while focusing on a target in your central vision.
- Visual Form Discrimination: the ability to distinguish different shapes, colors, sizes, positions, or distances
- Visual Motor Integration: the ability to combine visual input with gross motor movements, fine motor movements, balance, and hearing
What is Vision Therapy?
Vision is the dominant sense; thus, 80% of what we learn is learned using the visual system. Vision Therapy is an individually tailored program that is initiated to provide treatment for adults and children that have perceptual and visual motor problems. These problems can be deficiencies in eye teaming ability, eye focusing ability, eye movement function or visual-cognitive integration. All of these deficiencies can cause problems with learning, reading and writing. Vision Therapy trains the two eyes to work efficiently together to enhance the skills needed for success in school and sports, such as reading and catching abilities.